I just finished Phil Vischer's (think VeggieTales) autobiography. Very touching story, and the lessons learned are so important I'm planning to read the last chapter of his book to the church tomorrow night when people gather at our house.
He gained a huge company and lost it all within 6 years. Big Idea was ambitious, Phil pouring out his heart and life to serve the Kingdom . . . and now Big Idea is bankrupt and defunct. Dreams broken.
Without him trying, God gave him a new concept for a new company. His new company is called Jellyfish, because jellyfish have to rely entirely on the current. No power for self-propulsion. Very, very cool metaphor.
Sometimes we feel like we have to propel our own boats to "serve God's Kingdom." Row, lads, row!
I think the Lord is asking the Church to hop into his rubber raft, strap on helmets, and get ready for a ride. What's in store? Class 3 rapids are cool. Class 5 are frightening. Class 0? You don't really have that for us, do you, Lord? Lord? Whatever the speed of travel and class of rapids (even boring 0 and too-much 5), we're hopping in the boat. River, take us where you will.